Thursday, September 27, 2012

"Reading a novel is a far greater experience than watching a film on it." Discuss.

Reading novels and watching films are both enjoyable activities we can do during our leisure time. Some prefer the former over the latter while others prefer the latter over the former. I believe that reading a novel is more meaningful and enriching. It also leaves more room for imagination. Thus, I agree that "reading a novel is a far greater experience than watching a film on it".

We can set our own pace when we read. This is a freedom we do not have when we watch films. When reading, we are free to take our time to ponder over certain details or savor a good story-line. We can also go over skim through the text at parts we do not find very interesting. However, when watching a film, the director and the actors set the pace for us. Sometimes, everything seems to be over in a rush. Films condense the thick novels into scenes which last a few hours long. In this process, many details were missed like in the "Harry Potter" movies. On the other hand, there are times when things just seem to drag on forever. This is especially true for the "Twilight" series in which the action never seems to start. Therefore, the enjoyment and satisfaction one can derive from reading a novel definitely exceeds that of watching a film.

Another problem is that sometimes, the director might not be able to fully bring out the essence of the novel's plot in their film. There are times when authors write in a manner that is more than that which meets the eye. Readers have to read between the lines to discover the hidden message the author wishes to convey. However, at times, when novels are adapted into films, this essence is lost. Either the director did not fully understand the author or the hidden message is too sensitive to be addressed on screen. This can transform a novel hinting at political corruption into a silly romance film. Such adaptations might misguide the audience as to what the plot really means and make them lose the opportunity to savor a meaningful plot. Hence, in terms of understanding the plot, reading a novel will be better than watching a film on it.

Opponents might argue that the pleasure brought by the visual and aural effects of a film can never be derived from plain pages of black and white. Such special effects are especially astounding in fantasy or science fiction films like "The Chronicles of Narnia" and "Lord of the Rings". With 3D movies on the rise, being amazed by these effects hours after watching a good film is not impossible. This point is indeed valid.

However, no matter how good the animations are or how skillful an actor is in his performance, films only present another person's take on the story. While we read, we are able to picture what is happening using our imagination with the help of some descriptions in the novel. Everybody's understanding of "a cheery old cottage", for example, might differ greatly. By giving us a visual scene on "the world of Narnia", any other imagination about the settings is banished from our minds. The director or actor's understanding more often than not, differs from our own. Walking into a cinema then feeling dissapointed that a character in the film is totally different from what you expect should not be a rare experience. The many criticisms about the portrayal of characters in films based on popular novels proof my point. In other worlds, despite the lack of visual and auditory stimulus, the simplicity of black on white allows us to create our own settings and characters in our mind. This makes reading novel's a better choice since it allows us the freedom to use our own imaginations to understand the plot.

All in all, I maintain my stand that reading a novel will indeed guarantee a far richer experience than watching a film would. While a film also has its attractiveness, it lacks the freedom of control and imagination that reading a novel grants. Indulging in a film after a hard day in school or at work is not necessarily bad. However, if you wish to savor a good story, picking up a novel will definitely be a much better choice.

1 comment:

mm said...

Good try. Keep it up.